Discovering the Magic of Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance

What is electrostatic potential and capacitance?

Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance
Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance

In the study of electromagnetism, the fundamental concepts are electrostatic potential and capacitance .

The quantity of electric potential energy that a unit positive charge possesses at a certain location in an electric field is known as electrostatic potential.It is typically measured in volts and represents the work done to bring a unit positive charge from infinity to that point in the field.

Capacitance, on the other hand, is a measurement of an object’s or system’s ability to hold electrical charge. The magnitude of charge on an object or system is defined as the ratio of the magnitude of charge stored on an object or system to the change in electric potential energy it experiences.

The potential energy of an electrostatic system is given by U = 1/2 CV^2, where C is the capacitance and V is the applied voltage. The concept of capacitance in an electrostatic system with multiple electrodes is more complex.

How capacitor works?

Capacitors play a crucial role in various electronic systems, serving as passive components that store and release electrical energy. A capacitor’s two conducting plates form an electric field when a voltage is applied across its terminals. One plate begins to accumulate positive charge while the other begins to accumulate negative charge as a result of the electric field’s separation of positive and negative charges on the plates.

 This charge separation creates an electrostatic potential difference, commonly known as voltage, between the plates. A capacitor’s capacitance (C), or the amount of charge it can store, is influenced by a variety of factors, including the surface area of the plates, their distance apart (d), and the dielectric permittivity of the material separating them. When a potential fluctuates with time, the capacitor undergoes forced dynamic motion and experiences capacitive changes.

Capacitors can be utilised for a range of tasks thanks to their dynamic behaviour, including reducing voltage fluctuations in power supplies, removing undesirable signals from communications systems, and storing energy in electronic equipment.

Electric field intensity

The electric field intensity, also known as electric field strength or simply electric field, is a fundamental concept in physics that describes the influence exerted by an electric field on a charged particle.

E = F/q, where E is the electric field intensity, F is the force applied to the charged particle, and q is the particle’s charge, can be used to compute the force the charged particle experiences in the electric field, which determines this impact. The electric field intensity plays a crucial role in understanding and analyzing the behavior of charged particles in an electric field.

Experiment of electrostatic potential and capacitance

An experiment to explore electrostatic potential and capacitance can be conducted using a simple setup involving a capacitor and a power supply. Here’s a step-by-step procedure for such an experiment:

Materials needed:

  • Capacitor (any type, such as a parallel plate capacitor)
  • Power supply (DC source)
  • Connecting wires
  • Voltmeter
  • Multimeter
  • Switch (optional)


  • Set up the circuit: Connect the capacitor’s negative terminal to one plate and the positive terminal of the power supply to the other plate. Use connecting wires for the connections.
  • Measure the capacitance: Measure the capacitor’s capacitance with a multimeter. This step will provide you with the initial information about the capacitor’s properties.
  • Measure the voltage: Connect the voltmeter across the plates of the capacitor to measure the voltage across it. Make sure the power supply is switched off initially.
  • Apply voltage: Turn on the power supply and gradually increase the voltage to a desired value. Take voltage readings at regular intervals (e.g., every 1 volt increment) using the voltmeter and record them.
  • Plot voltage vs. charge: Calculate the charge on the capacitor at each voltage increment using the formula Q = CV, where Q is the charge, C is the capacitance, and V is the voltage. Plot a graph of voltage vs. charge.
  • Calculate electrostatic potential: Use the formula V = Q/C to calculate the electrostatic potential at each voltage increment. Plot a graph of voltage vs. electrostatic potential.
  • Analyze the graphs: Examine the relationship between voltage and charge, as well as between voltage and electrostatic potential. Observe any patterns or trends in the data.
  • Capacitance calculation: Calculate the capacitance of the capacitor by applying the formula C = Q/V, where Q stands for charge and V for voltage. Compare this calculated value with the initial measurement from the multimeter. Note any discrepancies and discuss possible sources of error.
  • Optional: Repeat the experiment with different capacitors or vary the distance between the plates of the capacitor to observe the effect on capacitance and electrostatic potential.

Remember to take appropriate safety precautions while working with electricity and follow any specific guidelines provided by your instructor or laboratory manual.

Frequently asked questions

Does capacitor work on dc or ac?

Capacitors are electrical components that play a crucial role in various electronic circuits. They can work with both direct current and alternating current. In direct current circuits, capacitors can store electrical energy and release it when needed. In alternating current circuits, capacitors can pass AC signals while blocking DC signals. However, the behavior of capacitors can vary depending on the frequency of the AC signal. At low frequencies, capacitors act as open circuits for direct current and allow alternating current to pass.

Difference between ac and dc capacitor?

The main difference between AC (alternating current) and DC (direct current) capacitors lies in their ability to handle different types of electrical currents. AC capacitors are designed to handle the fluctuating voltage and current found in AC circuits.

On the other hand, DC capacitors are specifically designed to handle and store steady, constant voltage in DC circuits. Additionally, AC capacitors are typically used for applications such as motor run or motor start operations, where the capacitor needs to handle high ripple currents and voltage fluctuations. Furthermore, AC capacitors often have a smaller capacitance value compared to DC capacitors due to the nature of AC circuits requiring higher voltages.

What happens when capacitor is short circuited?

When a capacitor is short circuited, it can lead to various consequences and potential hazards. Firstly, a short circuit in a capacitor can cause excessive current flow through the circuit. This can result in overheating of the capacitor and potentially leading to its failure.

Additionally, a short-circuited capacitor can disrupt the normal functioning of the circuit or electrical system it is connected to. This may cause issues, power blackouts, or even damage to other system parts. Furthermore, in the case of a DC-link short-circuit fault where the capacitor shorts out, it can pose serious risks due to the vulnerability of capacitors to defects.

When capacitor is fully charged?

A capacitor plays a crucial role in various electronic circuits, storing and releasing electrical energy.When a capacitor is fully charged, it has reached its maximum capacity for storing electrical energy. At this point, the voltage across the capacitor reaches its peak and no more charge can be stored. The capacitor is ready to discharge its stored energy when needed.

Difference between capacitor and condenser?

The difference between a capacitor and a condenser lies in their historical origins and how they are commonly referred to in different regions. While the term “capacitor” is used to describe the electronic component that stores electrical energy in an electronic circuit, the term “condenser” is frequently used to describe a device that cools or condenses items in particular regions, like as North America.

However, in other nations, such as Europe and Asia, the word “condenser” is usually used synonymously with “capacitor” to refer to the electronic part that stores electrical energy. Both “capacitor” and “condenser” refer to the same technical component that stores electrical energy in an electronic circuit.

Where capacitor is used?

Capacitors are extensively utilized in various industries and domains due to their unique electrical properties. Some common applications of capacitors include: –

Power supply filtering: Capacitors are used to smooth out voltage variations and reduce noise in power supplies.

Motor starting and power factor correction: Capacitors are used in motor circuits to provide the initial jolt of current needed for motor startup. They are also used for power factor correction, improving the efficiency of electrical systems.

Signal coupling and decoupling: Capacitors are used to couple AC signals between stages of an amplifier or electronic circuit, while blocking DC components.

Do capacitor and battery are same?

Capacitors and batteries are not the same, although they both store electrical energy.Capacitors store electrical energy in an electric field, while batteries store electrical energy through a chemical reaction. Furthermore, capacitors typically have a higher power density and shorter charging time compared to batteries.

No, capacitors and batteries are not the same.

Batteries and capacitors are not the same thing. Although both capacitors and batteries are used to store electrical energy, their construction and purposes are different. Batteries store energy through a chemical reaction, whereas capacitors store electrical energy in an electric field. Yes, batteries and capacitors function differently.

Will capacitor drain battery?

Capacitors are passive electronic components that store and release electrical energy. They do not drain batteries, but rather work in conjunction with them to provide quick bursts of power when needed. Capacitors can actually help stabilize and protect batteries by reducing voltage spikes and providing a temporary power source during high-demand situations. Additionally, capacitors do not have a continuous drain on batteries like some other electrical components. The main purpose of a capacitor is to store electrical energy, not drain it.

Which capacitor used in ceiling fan?

When it comes to the functioning of a ceiling fan, capacitors play a crucial role in providing the desired speed and smooth operation of the blades. The type of capacitor used in a ceiling fan is typically an electrolytic capacitor. These capacitors are specifically designed to handle the voltage and current requirements of a ceiling fan motor.

Now if you are interested to learn about electrostatic field and electric charge visit :

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