Electric field charges and static electricity

Electric field charges and static electricity

Electric field charges and static electricity play a crucial role in understanding and explaining various phenomena in the world of physics. Static electricity is a result of the imbalance of electric charges on an object, leading to the accumulation of excess charge. This excess charge can cause objects to attract or repel each other, create sparks, and generate electric shocks.

Electric charge and static electricity are fundamental concepts in physics that have a profound impact on our understanding of the physical world. Understanding electric charge and static electricity is essential for comprehending various phenomena in the field of physics. For example, studying electric charge and static electricity can help explain the behaviour of lightning in thunderstorms or the way certain materials attract or repel one another.

What are electric field charges?

Electric field charges refer to the distribution of electric charges in a given space, which is associated with the creation of an electric field. When electric charges are present, they create an electric field that exerts a force on other charged particles in the vicinity. The “plum pudding” model of the atom proposed by Thomson in 1904 sparked interest in understanding the location of charged particles within a sphere.

This led to the development of the “Thomson problem,” which aims to find the optimal distribution of point charges on the surface of a sphere. The concept of electric field charges relates to the distribution and arrangement of electric charges within a given space.

How electric charge is produced?

Electric charge is produced through a process known as electromagnetic induction. This process occurs when a varying magnetic field induces an electric field that is perpendicular to the interface between conductors. As a result of this induction, electric charge accumulates at the interface between conductors. When the electric field is applied from the high-conductivity conductor towards the low-conductivity conductor, a positive charge accumulates.

On the other hand, when the electric field is applied from the low-conductivity conductor towards the high-conductivity conductor, a negative charge accumulates. Furthermore, it is important to note that no charge accumulation is observed when the induced electric field is applied parallel to the interface. Now, let’s discuss about the experiment of Electric field charges and static electricity.

Electric charges science experiment

Electric charges science experiment
Electric charges science experiment

Objective: To observe and understand the behaviour of electric charges and explore the concepts of attraction and repulsion.

1) Two balloons
2) String or thread
3) Wool or fur cloth
4) Small pieces of paper


  • Inflate both balloons and tie a string to each one so that you can easily hang them.
  • Rub one balloon against a wool or fur cloth for about 30 seconds. This will transfer electric charges to the balloon.
  • Bring the charged balloon near the small pieces of paper or Styrofoam bits and observe what happens. Record your observations.
  • Repeat step 3 with the other balloon, but this time, don’t rub it against anything. This balloon will serve as your control.
  • Now, bring the charged balloon close to the second balloon (the control balloon) without touching it. Observe and record what happens.
  • Repeat step 5, but this time, bring the charged balloon close to the control balloon with the oppositely charged side facing it. Observe and record your findings.

Results and Discussion

When you bring the charged balloon near small pieces of paper or Styrofoam bits, you will notice that they are attracted to the balloon and may even stick to it. This occurs because the charged balloon has an excess of electric charges (negative or positive), which creates an electric field around it. The small bits of paper or Styrofoam have the opposite charge (if the balloon is negatively charged, the paper bits will have a positive charge), and opposite charges attract each other.

In the second part of the experiment, when you bring the charged balloon close to the control balloon, you will observe that they repel each other. This happens because both balloons acquire the same type of charge when they are rubbed against the cloth. Like charges repel each other, the balloons push away from each other.

By conducting this experiment, you can learn about the behaviour of electric charges and the concepts of attraction and repulsion. You can also explore how charged objects interact with neutral objects and objects with the same charge.

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Frequently asked questions

What are electric field lines?

Electric field lines are a visual representation of the direction and strength of an electric field in space.
They are imaginary lines that show the path a positive test charge would take if placed in the electric field. These lines start from positive charges and end at negative charges, or they can also exist between oppositely charged parallel plates. The density of the electric field lines represents the strength of the electric field, with a higher density indicating a stronger field.

Does the electric field depend on a test charge?

The electric field is a fundamental concept in physics that describes the forces experienced by charged particles. When determining the electric field at a point in space, it is necessary to consider the presence of a test charge.

The concept of electric field plays a fundamental role in the study of electricity and magnetism. The electric field is a property of the space around a charged object, and it exerts a force on other charges. The electric field does depend on a test charge.

When calculating the electric field at a specific point in space, it is typically done by considering the force experienced by a small test charge placed at that point. The electric field is the force per unit charge experienced by a test charge at a given point in space.

Why electric charge is a scalar quantity?

Electric charge is commonly regarded as a scalar quantity due to several key characteristics. Firstly, electric charge is a fundamental property of matter that describes the amount of imbalance between positively and negatively charged particles within an object. This imbalance is represented by a numerical value, without any directional properties.

Secondly, electric charge follows the principle of superposition, meaning that the total charge of a system can be determined by adding up the individual charges. This property of additive combination further supports the scalar nature of the electric charge, as scalars are quantities that can be added algebraically without any consideration for direction. Lastly, the behaviour of electric charge is not affected by rotational transformations

Why electric charge is quantized?

The quantization of electric charge is a fundamental concept that arises from the discrete nature of electric charge. Electric charge is a fundamental property of matter, and its quantization refers to the observation that it can only exist in discrete amounts rather than being continuously variable.

This discrete nature of electric charge has been established through various experiments, such as the Millikan experiment, which measured the charge of an electron. The measurements from these experiments and subsequent measurements of other fundamental particles have consistently demonstrated that electric charge is quantized in multiples of the charge of an electron.

Is electric charge without mass possible?

The concept of electric charge is closely tied to the properties of matter, including its mass. Electric charge is a fundamental property of matter, and it is always associated with particles that have mass. According to the known laws of physics, it is not currently possible for an electric charge to exist without mass. The laws of physics currently indicate that electric charge is always associated with particles that have mass.

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